5 Super Effective Health Benefits Of Beer

Do you know how Beer can be super effective for your health? We think that consuming alcohol can cause bad effects on your health but now it is proved by most of the scientists and researcher that it is good consuming alcohol. If you are thinking how than let's move ahead to this topic and get the knowledge how beer or any other alcohol can be effective for your health.

Let's first understand what is beer and how it is processed?

Beer is brewed through the fermentation of starch sugars that produces ethanol and carbonation which results in beer. A company which makes beer is called as brewing company.

Health Benefits of Beer.

1. Beer fights inflammation : The tangy and bitter taste which we get in beer is all because of the female flowers of the hop plant. The bright green buds in the plant are chock full of chemicals known as bitter acids which provides us the health promoting effects. According to a study published by Molecular Nutrition and Food Research bitter acids are very powerful inflammation fighters. A viral respiratory infection is being offered and promised for preventing and treating the disease because of the one bitter acid known as humulone.

2. Beer Help To Build Bones : Do you know how bones can be healthier by consuming a beer? Let me tell you how, a beer is a great source of silicon, which helps to build and maintain a healthier bones. The form of this mineral called as orthosilicic acid which is found in beer and makes our body extra easy to metabolize, this was published in one report in the International Journal of Endocrinology. If you have heard about the Indian Pale Ale than go for it, IPA builds the bones. The other beer with a lots of malted barley and hops and IPA are the best source of silicon which can help to strengthen your bone.

3. Beer Keeps Your Heart Healthy : Yes it's true a beer keeps your heart healthy according to a research conducted in 2012 by Harvard. According to a huge studies it was found that people who drink one-half or two drink daily has a lesser chances of heart disease. This is all because of polyphenols which is found in alcoholic beverages including beer are good for the heart. Beer has benefits for people who already have heart disease and also for the healthy fellas. If a men or women drank couple of beers a day than it is likely to survive from heart disease over the next 20 years and it was found in a research according to Harvard.

4. Beer Guards Brain Cells : According to a 2015 study from China it was found that the chemical named Xanthohumol which is found in beer can helps to protect brain cells from oxidative damages. It was also found through one research conducted by Austrians that xanthohumol and other beer ingredients also helps to develop and promote the growth of neurons in the brain.

5. Beer Decreases Bad Cholesterol : A couple of beer a day can help to reduce LDL or a bad cholesterol because of the soluble fiber in it. If you increase the intake of soluble fiber than it could be very healthy for your body. Soluble fibers has a various health benefits including the promotion of blood sugar and cholesterol levels. However, as alcohol gets involved with the body's ability to devour vitamins and minerals, it can also reduce the body's capacity to cut down the stored fat.

Take Care Of Your Health

If you are an alcohol lover or consumes daily than I must advise you that you should consult your doctor too once in a month. If you're a heavy alcoholic person than you should lower down the consumption because heavy intake of alcohol can cause pancreatitis, may cause cancer, hypertension and cirrhosis which can make your life hell. Consume moderate alcohol it will always keep you away from many disease and provides you more health benefits as mentioned above.