5 Best And Explosive Chest Workout At Home Without Weights

Let's talk about chest workout at home without weights, is it possible? Ask yourself. From my point of view yes it is possible to perform chest workout at home that to without any weights. Contrary to the popular beliefs, the key to a good chest doesn't involve any gym membership, complicated routines or a fancy equipments. It basically involves your dedication, hard work and sincerity towards the workout.

There are many exercises that you can perform or practice at home with the equipment is being your body weight only. Now we have motivated you to get off from your comfort zone let's get started with our chest workout at home without weights.
Before we start let me tell you what basic exercise we will cover in this article is a push-ups. What is push-ups? According to Wikipedia a push-ups is a calisthenics exercise beginning from the prone position.

Types Of Push-Ups

#1. Decline push-ups : Keep your face down on the floor and bring your hands apart while keep your torso up a the arms length. Now place your feet on chair or a bench whatever is comfortable for you and ready yourself for the exercise. Go down and inhale until your chest is within touching distance of the floor. 
Now easily breathe out and push your upper body in upward direction to it's initial position while squeezing your chest. Start with 2 sets of 15 reps.

#2. Wide Push-Ups : Wide push-ups are considered as a fine exercise for working up your chest because while performing this workout most of your weight during this exercise is placed on your pectoral or chest muscles. Talking about the posture for this exercise there is no fixed posture for your hands but as much as you spread it the more challenging it will be for your chest. 

How to performFirstly wider your hands at the usual shoulder distance while keeping your fingers pointing straight. 

Stretch your legs fully and press the balls of your feet into the floor. Keep your back flat and your bottom squeezed while tightening your core. 

Now slowly lower down your chest until it touches the floor and keep in mind that your elbows should be straight above your wrist. 

As soon as your chest touches the floor lift your body up and return to the start position. Start with 2 sets of 15 reps.

#3. Side Push-Ups : As you know that how push-ups are very effective for your chest there is one more charismatic exercise is side push-ups. Like the basic push-ups, learn how to do chest workout at home without weights. This exercise is an excellent when it comes to developing your triceps, it can be a superb exercise for your abs and lower back as well. So if you haven't heard about this exercise or it is a new for you so it's a better idea to get start familiar with it asap. Now let see how to perform this exercise. 

How to performLie on your left side with your left leg bent and lift your right leg. Now place your right palm on the floor and left hand across your torso. Use the strength in your right arm to move yourself upwards before easing yourself into your original posture but slowly coming down. Start with 2 sets of 15 reps.

#4. Diamond Push-Ups : This exercise got it's name from the position of your index fingers and thumbs which forms a diamond shape. Like the other push-ups the diamond push up is more effective for your triceps and inner chest. How to perform this exercise? 

How to performBring your hands with all fours together under your chest. Now keep your thumbs and index finger together to form like a diamond shape. 

Stretch your arms so that your body is eminent and make a straight line from your head to feet. 

Lower down your chest towards your hands make sure your elbows don't fan out. 

As your chest touches the floor stop there and reverse to your original position. Start with 2 sets of 15 reps.

#5. Staggered Push-Ups : This variation is mostly not very famous or unknown to most of us because of unawareness of this style. The staggered push ups is extremely effective to your body and also to the core muscles.

How to perform : Perform the exercise with your legs stretched back before you place your hands staggered, put your one hand higher than the other as well as wider than your average shoulder width. 

Start pushing your elbows and lower your chest until it's about to kiss the floor. 

Thrust your body back up with your arms stretched and revert to your original position. Start with 2 sets of 15 reps.

As you have got the knowledge now you can hit the floor and gain your chest without wasting any time. Do watch out for other exercises which can be very useful for your body.