Skin care, skin protection, sunscreen lotion, UVF

Healthy skin care - apply sun protection and daily cleansing can keep your skin glowing and healthy in your day to day life.

Now a days people don't have time to look after their health and skin. In their busy schedule they forget about themselves. Good and healthy caring of skin can prevent you from aging and makes you look younger and good. Let's check out how to take care of our skin even though we are busy.

1. Avoid Sun and Dust

Always try to avoid the sun between 10 am and 4 pm. At this time the sun rays are very strongest which can harm your skin. Because of the rays you may get wrinkles on your skin and you looks old. Do protect yourself from sun as it can cause skin cancer also. Also try to protect yourself from dust as it contains different types of bacteria. Bacteria may result to dead skin if it enters into our skin.

To get protection from sun and dust -
  • Use sun screen. Always use sun screen before leaving from home. Specially at morning time you should apply and leave. You can use sun screen with an SPF of atleast 15 and should be a broad spectrum.
Wear protective clothes. You should cover yourself fully with long sleeves. You can dress yourself according to your taste. But do protect yourself from sun and dust by choosing a good cloth. You can wear a cloth which can protect you from ultraviolet rays.

2. Rub your skin gently

Daily touching and rubbing your skin may cause acne or boil. We touch our skin without knowing that we are inserting bacteria into it. Let see what to do before touching your skin.

  • Quit soaps. You should use mild cleanser instead of using any strong soaps. Soaps strip oil from skin. 
  • Moisturize your skin. If your skin is dry you should always use a moisturizer. Use moisturizer which contains SPF 15.
  • Restrict bath time. Taking a bath at long may remove oil from your skin. You should always use warm water instead of hot for taking bath. Also lower your shower time.
3. Eat good live good

Everyone should maintain their diet in a daily life. A good diet makes us fit and also looks good. For a good looking skin we should add food rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Eat plenty of good varieties of vegetables, fruits, protein supplements. You can add fish oil supplements and refined carbs for a younger looking skin. If you are planning to purchase fish oil supplements you can refer to the below link. I personally use this supplement and I feel energized and healthy.

4. Control stress level. In this busy world a person at time becomes so stressed that he/she forgets to take care of their health. Due to stress your skin becomes more sensitive and acne produces on your skin. To get rid of stress take a good sleep, avoid unnecessary works, make a to-do lists of your work to be done on time. Spend some good time with your love ones.

I hope this information would make a little help in your life. Try out these things in and see the results. Stay fit and be happy.