The one who is new to the gym and are very fond of biceps workout than here are the 5 Effective biceps workout which you can do in your gym.

5 Effective Biceps Workout for Beginners

If you are just attracted to your personality for building strength and mass - and your thinking of to hit which part of your body than there is no better place to start with biceps. The biceps muscle consists of long and short head which is called as brachii. Both the muscles comes together to handle the movement like curling and flexing which in turn makes your arms thunk.

The biceps is the attractive and easiest part of the body to show off. It is one of the most likeable part to womens in men's body. Whether you boom with a sleeveless rocking shirt or a casual plain top (T-shirt) you are going to make a hard waves if you have built up your biceps muscles.

To help you with sharpen your biceps from beginning I have created a list of 5 Effective biceps workout which you can use them for a killer arms.

5 Effective Biceps Workout

1. Hammer Curl

  • Stand straight with parallel to your torso upright and a dumbbell on both hand at biceps length. Your elbow should be close to your torso.
  • The dumbbells on both the hand should be facing to the torso. This should be the starting position for hammer curl.
  • Now, restraining your upper biceps straight, exhale and move or curl the dumbbell forward while contracting the arms. Continue to move forward the arms until the biceps are fully contracted and reaches to it the shoulder level. Now, restrain the contracted position for a crisp movement as you press the biceps. Keep a focus on straight movement of an elbow and only moving your forearms.
  • After a short pause, inhale and start moving the dumbbell downwards to the start position.
  • Repeat the process for 3 sets with recommended repetition according to weight.

2. Barbell Curl

  • Stand straight with parallel to your torso upright while holding a barbell with a shoulder width grip. The palm of your hands should be always facing towards the torso. This is a start position of barbell curl.
  • Hold your upper arms straight, move the barbell forward slowly while contracting the biceps. While performing this exercise always try to move your forearms.
  • Continue performing the exercise until your biceps are fully contracted and the barbell bar comes at the shoulder level.
  • Now slowly bring the barbell down par starting point from where you have started and inhale.
  • Repeat the process for 3 sets with recommended repetition according to the weight.

3. Preacher Curl

  • To perform this exercise you will require a preacher bench and a zigzag bar or E-Z bar. Zigzag bar is very effective for this exercise. Now grab the zigzag bar from the front of the preacher bench or have someone to give you the bar while you sit at the bench. Before performing the exercise get adjust yourself, the palm of your hand should be facing forward and they should be little tilted inwards because of the shape of the rod.
  • Your upper arms should be positioned against the preacher bench pad while your chest against it, now hold the bar at shoulder level. This is a starting point for preacher curl.
  • Now slowly move down the bar as you breathe in until your biceps is fully extended and stretched.
  • As you breathe out, with the help of your biceps curl the weight up and contract the biceps at shoulder level. Crush or squeeze your biceps hardly and hold it for a sec.
  • Repeat the process for 3 sets with recommended repetition according to the weight.

4. Concentration Curl 

  • Grab a single dumbbell in hand and sit down on a bench. Keep your hand in between your legs with dumbbell. You should spread your legs with your knees bent and feet on the floor.
  • Place your back of the upper arm on the inner of the right thigh. Move the palm of your hand until it is facing forward away to the thigh. Always keep in mind that your arms should be extended and the dumbbell should be above the floor.
  • As you breathe out, hold the upper arms straight and curl the biceps until it gets contracted. While performing this exercise you should only move your forearms. Keep going with the repetition until your biceps get contracted while you move it at shoulder level.
  • Repeat the process for 3 sets with recommended repetition according tot the weight.

5. Alternate Dumbbell Curl

  • Stand straight with parallel to your torso upright and hold a dumbbell in each hand at biceps length. Your palms should be facing to your thighs and your elbow should be close to your torso.
  • Hold the upper arms straight and start curling your biceps alternately. Continue the exercise until your biceps get contracted while it reaches tot he shoulder level. Always try to hold the contracted position for a sec and than squeeze your biceps. 
  • As you inhale start bringing down the dumbbell at the starting point from where you have started. Alternate movement counts as one reps.
  • Repeat the process for 3 sets with recommended repetition according to the weight.
These are the 5 effective exercises for beginners. If you want give a chance just head towards the gym and start performing these exercise for at least 90 days and start feeling the change in your biceps.

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