Fat burner, fat loss, fat loss supplements, fat loss pills

We have a lots of different solutions for Fat and Weight loss. It includes different types of natural supplements, pills and drugs.

These can help you to lose weight or atleast can try to makes it very simple to lose weight combined with different ways.

So coming to the point of fat loss it can lead to work via one of the below mechanisms.

  • Reduce appetite : You feel full so that you cut down or intake less calories.

  • Decreases absorption of nutrients like fat, tend to take lesser calories.

  • Extend fat burning leads to burn more calories.

Let's catch out the 5 most popular pills and fat burning supplements, reviewed and approved by science.

1. Garcinia Cambogia Extract

Garcinia Cambogia is additionally called the Malabar tamarind. It is a tropical fruit shaped like a pumpkin, which we mostly found in Southwest India, Indonesia and Myanmar. It became popular across world after it was featured in one show named Dr.Oz show in 2012. 

According to science it blocks the body's ability to make fat and puts the full stop on your appetite. It contains hydroxycitric acid on their skin. This one is an active ingredient in this extract which is marketed as a pill in the market.

How it performs: According to one animal study it showed that it inhibited the fat-producing enzymes in it and increases the level of serotonin which potentially helped in reducing craving.

Side Effects: As of now it has discovered no side effects except a mild digestive issues. So you can freely without any thinking go for this supplements. Find the below one which I usually recommend.   

2. Green Coffee Bean Extract

If someone who don't know what is an extract of green coffee so it is an extract of unroasted green coffee beans. From several years it has been found that it is very useful and essential for weight loss. It contains basically 2 substances for weight loss that is caffeine and cholorogenic acid

How it performs: Caffeine can increase the chances of fat burning and cholorogenic acid can helps to slow down the cut down of carbs in the stomach.

Other advantages: The cholorogenic acid in green coffee can helps to reduce the blood sugar level. It is also very high in antioxidants.

Side Effects: As per one studies it has found that some people are allergic to green coffee. The cholorogenic acid in it can cause diarrhoea. It has the same side effects as caffeine.

Now if you are thinking which brand will be perfect for you than go for any brand.

3. Green Tea Extract

Green tea is most common across the world. An extract of green tea capsules contains the equal amount of ingredients as of the one cup of green tea.

The one of the main antioxidant in green tea extract is EGCG to help in burning fat.

How it performs: According to one studies it has found that the green tea extract helps to increase the work of norepinephrine (a hormone which helps to burn fat).

Benefits: Daily intake of green tea extract can results into fat burning and can cause fat loss specially in the belly area.

Side Effects: Excess of green tea and extract can cause dizziness, reduce iron level, headache. So the intake of green tea extract should be according to its dosage. 

4. Hydroxycut

Hydroxycut is a weight loss supplement which is around more than a decade in the market. It is one of the most popular weight loss supplement in the world.

There are many different types of fat and weight loss supplement but the most common used is the Hydroxycut.

How it performs: It has different types of ingredients in it but the most common is caffeine and the plant extracts which helps to reduce fats in the body.

Benefits: It has found as per one agency that the regular intake of this pill can reduce weight and fat upto 2.4 kg a month.

Side Effects: As their is a high volume of caffeine in it it may cause irritation,jitteriness,nausea and diarrhoea.

5. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

Conjugated Linoleic Acid or CLA, is an acid which is mostly found in the dairy and the meat products originate from ruminants.

It is one of the healthiest trans fat which we mostly found in fatty animal foods like butter and cheese.

How it performs: Intake of CLA may reduce appetite, boost metabolism and helps to stimulate the break down of body fats.

Benefits: Daily consumption of this acid before bedtime and after dinner may cause weight loss of about 1 kg per week. It also helps to manage your weight accordingly.

Side Effects: Excess intake of it can cause nausea, stomach upset and inflammation. 

Final Words

There are many fat and weight loss supplements in the market but always keep in mind that they will show their result with a healthy weight loss diet. Do take precautions before opting for any weight loss supplements. Daily have atleast 3 litres of water. Do not overdose the intake of supplement. 

Finally the best out of 5 supplement I recommend for fast weight and fat loss are :
  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid
  • Hydroxycut

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