Back exercise, broader back, best way to build back

As you know that back exercises targets our lower and upper lats and the lower muscles of it. It is one of our biggest muscle in the body after legs. For a broader back you have to train it intensely. Let's check it out the effective exercises for a broader back.

1. Bent over row on bar.

Grab a bar and put weights according to your strength. Now stand up and reach down in a 90 degree position to hold the bar. While performing the exercise your knees should be slightly bent. Lift the bar upward to down (push it up towards your hips and keep moving down). This exercise is considered as compound exercise which bursts a high amount of muscle tissues when worked out properly. The muscles which are targeted while performing this exercise are Latissimus Dorsi (back), Rhomboids and Scapular stabilizers, Posterior shoulder and Spinal erectors. Try to pull some heavy weights as per your strength.

2. Barbell deadlift

The barbell deadlift is considered as the best and very effective and efficient workout for back. The reason behind this is the barbell deadlift not only targets the back but it covers most of our major muscle groups. Now how to perform the deadlift.
  • Stand up and grab a barbell with weights according to your strength.
  • Lower down your body straight with barbell by flexing your knees and hips and raise up after a short pause.
  • Always try to breathe in while going down and breathe out when coming to the position. 
3. Lat Pulldown

The lat pulldown is a basic exercise but yet a very effective exercise for upper back. This exercise improves the stability in the lower back and core. Now how to properly perform it.

  • Sit at a lat pull down machine and hold the bar with overhand grip which should be beyond the shoulder width. Keep your arms straight and torso completely to the upright position.
  • Now pull your scapula (shoulder blade) down and back and push the bar towards your chest. Hold for a second and release the bar towards the starting point slowly.
  • A quick tip I would like to share always keep your back straight don't make it a round shape while doing this workout or any back workout. Sit tall by keeping your chest up and shoulder back. 
  • Always pull the full range of motion and don't do it partially. Try to pull the bar aal the way to your collarbone.
Again this one is a compound exercise and the muscle which works while performing this exercise is Latissimus Dorsi, etc.

4. Chest supported row

This one is also an effective exercise because here we are not only training back but trains most of the major muscles as well. How to train it.
  • Prepare a bench and set it to 45 degree angle.
  • Grab a dumbbell in each hand lie down to bench's angled pad and lean onto it. Stabilize your feet on the floor and hang down your arms straight towards the ground with palms facing each other. This is the starting point of the exercise.
  • Now squeeze your both the scapula together and hold your elbow toward the ceiling, bringing the dumbells to your ribcage.
  • Slowly perform the reverse move and continue with the repetition.
  • Try to perform this exercise heavier if you have that much of strength otherwise lift according to your strength. Muscles works while performing this exercise are Latissimus Dorsi, Rhomboids and Trapezius.
5. Seated cable rows

For performing this exercise you need to have this machine in your gym. Seated row we can do on seated machine or on a pilot machine as well.
  • Sit upright on a machine bench and stabilize your foot on the ground and keep your knee bent. Hold the handle or cable by extending your arms. Now move forward with your shoulder slowly back and tham down. Resist your core.
  • Now bend your elbows to hold the handle or cable, keeping your elbows gathered in and keeping your back in a straight position. Stop or pause for a second and than again perform a rep.
  • Slowly extend your elbow or arms after inhaling.
  • Perform 4 sets of 15 reps. Pull weights according to your strength. 
  • Muscles works while performing this exercise are Latissimus Dorsi, Rhomboids and Trapezius.
Try to perform the exercise with a full range of motion. Avoid silly mistakes like rounding your back, outwards elbows, shrugged shoulder, partial range of motion and locked neck. Stay fit and be healthy.