How Much Sleep Should Your Body Get?

How much sleep should your body get? Isn't it a big question especially for adults? Yes because out of all age groups adults are talking less sleep as per the studies and research by National Sleep Foundation. Let's talk about how much sleep your body needs in different age group.

What Is The Importance Of Sleep?

What comes to your mind for a healthy lifestyle, may be diet or exercise right but did you getting enough restful sleep?

Below are the long list of examples which cause a lack of restful sleep according to the National Institutes of Health:
  • Diabetes, Alzheimer, high blood pressure, high rates of obesity, certain cancers, heart diseases and stroke
  • Anxiety and high rates of depression
  • Poor mood and energy, low motivation
  • Decreased decision making abilities, focus and memory
  • Irritability, lower level of self-control and more relationship problems
  • Small problems feel like much big problems and inability to manage stress
  • Frequent cold, lowered immune function
  • Decreased sex drive

How Much Sleep Should Your Body Get?

According to a study published by the National Sleep Foundation where the scientists and researchers in Sleep Health displayed that how much hours of sleep needed by all age group which is divided into 9 divisions.

All the gender has an influence and different lifestyles and health. You can refer the below chart how much sleep is necessary for different age divisions.

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Newborns And Infants

Talking about newborns they usually don't have an established circadian rythm, it isn't established because they are 2 to 3 old months. Infants gravitate to sleep in terrain phases throughout all the day (polyphasic), they sleep from 2.5 to 4 hours at a time. Around 12 months infants start sleeping more at night. At this time, they start to sleep like an adults where there are no body movements during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, at this time people dream. Before 12 month babies moves during REM sleep.

School Age Children

Remembering when a school age children aren't sleeping enough can be difficult for them as tired kids move to slow down, they speed up. They get starting to connect in behaviours like ADHD. Even though they are tired they resist to go to bed for sleep.

ADHD in children's can cause loss of sleep in them, as well as other issues like sleep apnea (when people throughout the night stop breathing at a time). Before it was believed that the sleep apnea is only occurred in adults, but the America Academy of Pediatrics recommends ask about and screen for sleep apnea in children.


According to the National Sleep Foundation teens go to go the bed after 11 pm and wake up later this is because of changes in their circadian rythms. One of the study has found that only 15% of teens reported sleeping 8 hours sleep per night. Teenagers usually have the earliest start times so it's hard for them to get enough sleep throughout a day.

As teens get very less sleep during the week, they fulfill their sleep on the weekend, where the problem arises. Sleep experts recommend not only to teens but to everyone that one should fall asleep and wake up at the same time everyday.

If the teens want to have the quality sleep than they have to get rid of the back lit-devices at night which is the common problem which we find in adults too.

Below are the examples of lack of sleep in teenagers which includes,

  • Skin issues such as rashes and acne
  • Poor reaction time, athletic performance, choices and decision making
  • Feeling drowsiness during driving which leads to accidents
  • Poor impulse control


While adults faces a lot of problems to get a good sleep due to following reasons:

  • Family and job stress
  • High consumption of caffeine or too late in a day
  • Incompatible sleep schedule
  • Lack of exercise
  • Bad diet
  • Looking at blue light emitting devices before going to a bed
  • Facing issues with the mattress; too hot or spongy


Many adults or seniors who are above 60  nap during the day because it is hard for them to get the quality sleep at night. The main reason here is why they don't get enough sleep is because of their medical conditions such as restless legs syndrome (RLS). According to The National Institutes of Health 10 to 35% of seniors may have RLS, which turns into an irresistible sensations in the legs which makes them harder to move it. The symptoms usually occurs in the evening and often during sleep. 

It is also obvious that because of the illnesses and it's medications may disturbs their quality sleep. 

According to one study it was found that it takes long for seniors to go to the sleep means they find it hard to sleep at earliest. In this study it was found that 13% of men over 60 and 36% of women takes around 30 minutes to fall asleep.

How Much Sleep Should Your Body Get?


Women needs to sleep 20 min more per night than men on an average, though sometimes they need more than that. 

As one theory explained that where a women multitask more than men and have a busy schedules which results in their brains using more energy therefore they need to regain. So if this theory is correct, then men that have critical jobs that need more decision making and continuous thinking will need more that that an average male as well. Another reason could be the menstruation because of the monthly hormonal changes.

Womens do sleep more than men, but according to the National Institutes of Health there could be possible several things which tends to get the womens a quality sleep:

  • Climacteric
  • Pregnancy
  • Job responsibilities and family's stress
  • Male partner snores (it was published by one agency that 40% of men snores as opposed to 24% women).