5 Powerful Home Remedies For Dry Skin In Winter

What are the best home remedies could be for dry skin in winter season? There are many, believe me that you can take care of your skin at home without wasting a lots of money on several skin care proclaimed products. Alright so without wasting any time first let me tell you why skin becomes dry in winter and how you can take care of your skin in this season.

Dry Skin Overview

Dry skin is an annoying action caused by itching, cracking or scaling. This can happens for a number of reasons. One might have a natural dry skin. Even you have an oily skin there are chances that your skin becomes dry.

This can affect any part of body, but you must have noticed most of the people have their arms, hands and legs dry. 

Dry skin also occurs due to exposure to dry weather conditions, certain chemicals or chemical products or hot water. 

5 Powerful Home Remedies For Dry Skin Care

1. Papaya and Honey Pack: Full grown papaya are very rich in anti-oxidants and honey plays as hesitant which makes your skin soft and supple. You need one full grown or ripped papaya and 1 teaspoon of honey. Now, mash the papaya with honey and prepare a thick paste of it and apply to your face and neck and wherever you have dry skin. Keep it for around 15 to 20 mins and wash it gently. Apply it twice in a week.

2. Coconut Oil: The bioactive components of coconut oil makes it precious to help to fight against dry skin. It helps the skin to smoothen and works as an fantabulous moisturizer and also helps to prevent the loss of moisture from the surface of your skin. You need an extra virgin coconut oil and apply it on a dryer area of your skin and gently give massage to that area for around 20 min and leave it as it is. Do not wash off your face with water. You can do this process twice in a week.

Organic Virgin Coconut Oil Buy Here.

3. Lemon and Honey: As you know that lemon is the best and very rich in anti-oxidants. As said earlier honey is the hesitant which makes your skin soft and supple and also it has a good amount of anti-oxidants. The combination of both can not only smooth your skin but also helps you to get rid of itchy skin. It also makes your skin glowing. To take the advantage of this item all you need is a half lemon and a tablespoon honey. Remove the juice from lemon and mix it with honey and stir it well. Apply this item on your face or on an affected or dryer area of your skin. Provide a gentle massage not more than 20 mins. Now, wash your face with water. You can do this twice in a week whatever suits you.

4. Aloe Vera Gel: Do you know what magic aloe vera gel can do? If yes than that's good for you and if no than let me tell you that it contains inflammatory properties and improves collagen and elastin levels. I'll suggest you not to go for a aloe gel products which are available in market instead use the extracted gel from the leaf of the aloe vera. Apply the gel on your face and the affected or dryer area and leave it for whole night. Wash your face in morning. You can use this method twice or thrice in a week.

Want to know how aloe vera juice can be helpful and effective for skin read here.

5. Eggshell and Apple Cider Vinegar: The most powerful remedy is a combination of eggshell and apple cider vinegar. All you need to do is crush the eggshell in a bowl and mix it with apple cider vinegar. Leave the mixture for around 3 to 5 days and after that take a cotton and dip it into that mixture and apply it on your face and on affected or dryer area of your skin. You may see the result in 3 to 4 weeks. You can use this twice in a week.

Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar.

Warnings: Those who are allergic to any of the above remedy should avoid it and consult your doctor before applying or performing any process. This article is totally based on providing information.

Most of the time winter becomes harsh on most of our skin, you should ensure that your skin should get proper nutrition so that it will remain healthy. The above remedies can help to bring some smoothness to your skin and will not leave your skin dry. Also it will help to glow your skin.

If you find any of the above remedies helpful feel free to share your experience with us. Also you can share your experience in the comments section.